Category Archives: Travel


Coach picnic purchased, backpack completely overpacked, ankle boots ready– and I’m heading down to Somerset after work tonight. Boom. Hard to contain my excitement, especially since it coincides with my birthday tomorrow!
I’ll be mostly internet-free this weekend so in the meantime make sure you follow me on Bloglovin’, and as a treat (especially to everyone perhaps slightly jealous and sick of me banging on about it) here’s a selection of quite awful pictures from past Glastonburies. Including one of the aforementioned white jeans. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.

If you’re also Glastonbury-bound this weekend, get in touch and we can meet up for a cider. Equally if you’re sick of hearing about the G word let me know what you’re up to instead by leaving a comment below! Happy early Friday everyone!

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Filed under Festivals, Other Things, Travel

Sun, sea, cycling and scallops

Last week I took a little trip on the Eurostar to meet my Dad and the bike4good team at the end of their London-Paris in 24 hours epic. As good an excuse as any, I reasoned, to do a bit of shopping, visit my favourite Parisian spots, and head down to Pau to see Kim for a few days. The weather was a beaut, copious amounts of wine were drunk, and many artsy photos with my Dad’s fancy camera were taken…

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Filed under Food, Travel

Back Home


I’m back! Wonderful week in the continent which I’m super excited to tell you all about. So I’ll be getting reacquainted with the blog this weekend, sharing my snaps, Paris beauty edit and favourite bites to eat from the trip.

First though, a casual three hours of interviews today and a big one on Monday to prepare for… Definitely listening to my own interview advice today. Keep your fingers crossed and hit Metrojournal up this weekend!


Filed under Other Things, Travel

Retour à Paris


Just about to board the Eurostar for a weekend of shopping and Paris followed by a few nights in the South with my partner in crime. Without the laptop this week so I’ll be back on the blog radar on Friday. Can’t wait to share it all with you when I’m back!

In the meantime, make sure you follow Metrojournal on Bloglovin’ for all my updates. Have a great weekend!


Filed under Travel

What I’m Reading in the Bath

I usually have about three books on the go– one in my handbag for the train, one for weekends, and one to read in the bath. Some of the latter have been known to get covered in bubbles but it’s worth it. Here’s what’s been in my book pile this month:
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Filed under Books, Other Things, Travel

Yorkshire Tea Trail


Sometimes when you’ve had a long, frustrating week, which is more often than not when you’re still living with your parents, the best thing to do is to hop on a train to see your bestie. So this weekend I took the 2 hour train from London to Leeds. Goodbye Hertfordshire, hello Yorkshire and hello Maria! Continue reading

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Filed under Food, Travel

Southeast Asia Top 5

It wouldn’t be the end of a big trip without a spot of Instagram-heavy reminiscence. Here’s a few of my favourite bits from the past few months…

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Filed under Travel

Reverse culture shock?

‘How does it feel being back? Is it weird?’

Weirdly enough, it’s really not. I can say with some confidence that ‘reverse culture shock’, the readjustment upon coming home experienced by many a long-term traveller, really isn’t so bad the second time round. The travel gods must really be looking down on me because to top it off, I haven’t had one bit of jetlag either.
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Filed under Travel, Year Abroad

Niepy: the sound of silence

We’re on the beach in Nusa Lembongan, an island just southeast of Bali. The weather was P1060885glorious for approximately one hour when we arrived yesterday, before it promptly turned (much, I’m sure, to the delight of people moaning about how cold it is at home) into a cold rainstorm which hasn’t stopped since.

Matt’s just flown here from Java where he spent two weeks with a couple of friends. He arrived covered head-to-toe in bites, nackered because of rats running around outside his room all night, with a shellshocked look in his eye because of what a barren wasteland Jakarta is. “Crap food, mean people,” apparently. To top it off one of our poor friends was struck down with typhoid the entire time. Travelling’s been a walk in the park for me in comparison! Continue reading

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Filed under Travel

Lahu Life

We’re in the Cameron Highlands, the tea capital of Malaysia. Enjoying a slow pace of life drinking tea with homemade scones and trekking the surrounding jungles after a hectic ten days whizzing through Singapore-Kuala Lumpur-Melaka-KL again. KL was characterised by the daily quest to stick to our budget in a city that prides itself on its shopping malls. I rarely succeeded. Decided that I’m much more content when out of the big cities and surrounded by countryside, a state of mind which I’m sure was influenced by the massage course which we completed a couple of weeks ago in the Lahu village, just north of Chiang Mai in Thailand.

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